LEARNINGTEX - Newsletter 3

Esther Pujol

LEARNINGTEX MOOC is presented in September as an open online course on Textile Quality Control.

After completing the task of creating digital media, the LEARNINGTEX project focused on the creation, validation and finalization of the OER - Open Educational Resources, which will compose the MOOC - Massive Open Online Course (online course open) on Textile Quality Control with the use of Advanced Technologies.

In the last few months the OERs have been presented to the different target audiences of the different countries that make up the partnership. The participants had the opportunity to collaborate in the project by assessing the evolution of their knowledge in the area, using the first-hand visualization of the resources created, thus assimilating or deepening their knowledge.

Now, during the months of July and August, the OERs will be finalized and loaded on the platform that will support the MOOC, which will be presented to the general public next September and made available to all interested parties.

The first presentation will take place in Alcoy, at the Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València, in Spain, followed by others in the countries of the remaining members of the LEARNINGTEX development consortium.

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