We have been working since 1958 on an exclusively scientific, technical and non-profit basis, to support and promote the textile sector.
It is not necessary to be a chemist to join, although it is essential that you are interested in textiles. You can be an individual member or a protective company.
Our digital Newsletter is a monthly publication with the news of our partners and protective companies and information about the activities organized by the AEQCT.
26 February 2025
La Comisión Europea ha publicado un nuevo acuerdo provisional sobre el reciclaje de residuos textiles, trasladando responsabilidades a los distintos Estados miembros de la UE.
12 February 2025
Monforts has completed the installation of a Baldwin TexCoat™ G4 digital spray unit at its Advanced Technology Center (ATC) in Mönchengladbach, Germany.
11 November 2024
La transformación tecnológica y la sostenibilidad impulsan la demanda de ingenieros textiles capaces de seguir el ritmo y los desafíos de la industria de la moda y el textil. Aumenta la formación disponible para estos perfiles.
Photos of the event are available on our website in the private area for members and private companies.
Technical conferences with speakers with extensive experience and focused on topics of general interest.
Small-format technical-training workshops, addressed to specialists, held at the protection companies themselves or in virtual format when necessary, open to all members.
Miquel Vila
AEQCT Protecting Company
"Knowing that you have the whole AEQCT team by your side is to feel the support of an association willing to help you find solutions. Its SIMPOSIUM is relevant, a meeting point for those of us who enjoy belonging to the group of people dedicated to Textile Chemistry".
Manel Lis
AEQCT Board Member
"Since 1975, when I first became involved in the textile sector, the struggle has been to demonstrate that the phenomena involved are at the highest level of complexity and that a lot of effort has to be devoted to the search for knowledge.
The association is a magnificent tool for establishing relationships between those of us who share common interests".
Josep Moré
Associate member of the AEQCT
"For me the AEQCT is a meeting point and a point of reference for professionals in the sector.
It is a forum where technologies, experiences and experiences can be shared".
Montse Rafel
Associate member of the AEQCT
"Being a member of the AEQCT has meant a very important link between the university and the world of work, an opportunity to meet great professionals and companies in the sector".