4 sectors that desperately need permethrin impregnated textiles

Esther Pujol

Permethrin is a hot topic. To date, no insect repellent is found more effective in protecting us against mosquitoes, ticks, or flies. As it attacks the nerve system of insects, it either drives them away or kills them as soon as they touch the permethrin impregnated textile. Soldiers, active travellers and outdoor enthusiasts are lining up to benefit from the many advantages of the insecticide. Time for textile manufacturers to jump in! In this blog, we tell you about the top 4 sectors that desperately need permethrin impregnated textiles.

#1. The army
 Soldiers get exposed to many different circumstances. They travel the world, sleep in tents and work in tropical areas. They therefore run a higher risk of getting infected with mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria and Yellow Fever. But also in Europe, where tropical diseases hardly occur, soldiers risk getting infected with Lyme disease through tick bites. This is why the German army started using permethrin products on the uniforms of their soldiers. The insects smell the permethrin from far away and are forced to retreat. The new solution worked out to be very effective, and soon permethrin products became the new army standard. Today, armies all around world use permethrin products on their uniforms. It has made them a key client for textile manufacturers that work with permethrin finishers.       

#2. Humanitarian institutions
 The army is not the only organisation that sends people to the tropics. Humanitarian institutions such as the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders, for example, operate in many countries that are affected by tropical diseases. As their employees work under dangerous circumstances, protecting them is a main priority. By equipping their doctors, nurses, and volunteers with permethrin impregnated clothes, humanitarian institutions lower the risk of mosquito-borne diseases to a minimum. The solution also applies to the people that receive medical help. By handing out permethrin impregnated clothing in times of a Malaria outbreak, many lives can be saved. 

#3. Worldwide tourism
  Apart from soldiers and humanitarian institutions, there is another group that is particularly vulnerable to mosquito-borne diseases. These are the people that wander the forests in Asia, and visit natural parks in central-Africa on their holiday breaks. The active tourist can often be found outside of the city borders, and likes to explore foreign countries by going into nature. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, like to explore foreign people. They can detect the human scent from over thirty metres away, meaning they will find you no matter how you try to hide. Putting on more clothes is not an option, especially when you are in a tropical zone and not used to the high temperatures. This is why the active tourist desperately needs permethrin, as it will protect him against insects without taking too many precautions.  

#4. Leisure wear
 Do not focus on the globetrotters only, though. Think about all the people that sit behind desks from nine till five, and then go outside to blow off some steam. In their free time, they go cycling, hiking or camping in the surroundings of their own cities. The most common frustration of these people has everything to do with mosquitoes. They circle around their heads, follow them on a hike and leave nasty itchy bumps on their skin. Especially in tents, there is no hiding from mosquitoes, that are ready to strike whenever they can. If these outdoor sports enthusiasts would wear permethrin impregnated clothes, nature would be a much nicer place to be.

As you can see, the world could use more permethrin impregnated textiles. Even apart from these four sectors, there are many ways to add value to your products by using permethrin. Want to know how to get started? Just let us know. We gladly help you out!

In the meantime, download our white paper “Itchy questions on permethrin regulation- an essential overview” and find out what it takes to work with permethrin. 

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